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Quick and Easy to Read Guide on how to play Tiny Towns

Easy and fast way to learn Tiny Towns. We cover the essential instructions and gameplay to get your game started quickly.

  • 1 – 6 player game
  • Recommended fo ages 14 and up

Players: 1 to 6 | Game duration from: mins | Game Complexity: EASY How to play Tiny Towns rules in simple steps Tiny Towns rules pdf / rulebook

What is the goal?

  • You are a mayor of a small forest town and have created a civilisation hidden away from predators
  • Your goal is to plan and construct a thriving town and ensuring no wastage of resources
  • To construct a thriving town, you will have to:
    • place Resource cubes in specific layouts on your town grid to construct buildings
    • buildings score Victory Points for you
    • player with the most Victory Points wins

Game setup

  • Each player gets a player board
  • Leave RESOURCE CARDS in the box
  • Place COTTAGE card in center of the table
  • Sort BUILDING cards into separate piles based on their symbol
  • Shuffle each pile
  • Draw 1 card from each pile and placed face-up next to COTTAGE
  • Place remaining BUILDING cards back into the box
  • Place wooden RESOURCE cubes and BUILDINGS in general supply area
  • Randomly decide on starting player. The player is given the MASTER BUILDER HAMMER
  • Shuffle Monument cards and deal 2 cards face-down to each player. Players are allowed to look but should keep cards secret
  • Players decide which 1 of 2 cards to keep. Other card is discarded to box face-down.
  • Give each player 1 wooden monument, which is kept next to the player\’s monument card.
building cards
Recommended Tiny Town Building cards for first play
Tiny Towns Player Board
Tiny Towns Resource Cubes
Tiny Towns Building Card

Things to note about Monuments

  • Special type of building that can only be constructed by the player holding that card
  • Players construct their Monuments only ONCE
  • May be constructed in any round
  • Upon construction, the player should read the Monument card aloud and place in front of them and resolve any immediate effects
  • If card grants ability, it takes effect immediately and only applies to cardholder
  • Scoring for Monument cards is resolved at end of game
Tiny Towns Monument Cards


Overview of a round:

  1. Master Builder names a type of resource
  2. Resource Placement: All players MUST take a cube of this resource and place it in an EMPTY SQUARE in their town grid
  3. Building construction: Players may construct any buildings where they have matching resources in the correct shape. Players do this at the same time and should announce building they are constructing
  4. Once all players have placed resources and constructed buildings, a new round begins
  5. Master Builder token is passed to the player on the left

New Master Builder needs to wait till all players are ready before naming the next resource.

Resource Placement

  • Resources may never be moved to a different square after placed
  • Resources can only be removed by building construction
  • Only 1 resource or building may occupy a space
  • Removed resources go back to the general supply

Cavern Rule

Building is difficult. If it is your 1st few games, you can play with the Cavern Rule. In this rule, players have the option of placing up to 2 resources named by other players off to the side of their board. Resources score no points or penalties.

Building Construction

Building layouts can be mirrored/flipped/rotated as long as resources configuration remains the same.

To construct a building:

  1. Remove correct resources in correct shape from your board (place back in general supply)
  2. Take matching wooden building
  3. Place it in 1 of the squares that were occupied by the resources
  • Every building requires all its resources
  • Players can decide when they want to use the resources to build
  • Players may construct multiple buildings at once
  • Once placed, buildings can\’t be moved
  • Any player can construct any of the buildings
  • Players cannot construct a building immediately once a resource has been named. They need to place the resource cube in the town first.
Tiny Towns building clarification

Completing your town

  • Your town is completed when your town is filled with resources and you cannot or choose not to construct buildings
  • You are out of the game and can start tabulating your score. You no longer name resources as Master Builder
  • If only 1 player is left, that player can continue to name resources as Master Builder until their town is completed

How do you win?

  • When all players towns are completed, the game ends immediately
  • Remove all remaining resource cubes
  • Players can a 1 point penalty for each empty square
  • Players add points for each building in their town and subtract penalties
  • Player with most points wins
  • In case of a tie, player with fewest turns as Master Builder wins
  • If still tied, player with least empty squares wins.
  • If still a tie, the player with most Cottages wins
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