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How to play War the Card Game

War Card Game

How to play War the Card Game Rules is explained in simple steps. Get your card game started quickly.

War Card Game Rules FAQs

How many cards do you start with in War?

Each player or team is dealt 26 cards.

War is played with a standard deck of 52 playing cards. There are also children’s version of the card game.

War Card Game Setup

  • Shuffle and deal the cards one at a time evenly between each player/team
  • Players place their card stack face-down in front of them

How to play War Card game in simple steps.

Each player plays a card

Each player plays a card by turning it over from their pile at the same time.

Higher ranked card wins

If you have the higher rank card, you take both cards and place them face-down at the bottom of your card pile.


If both cards are the same rank, both players play 2 cards, one face-down and one face-up. The player with the higher card takes all played cards (six cards). If the played cards are tied (same rank), both players play another 2 cards, one face-up and one face-down again. The player with the higher card takes all played cards, and so on.

Winning War the Card Game

The player/team who has won all the cards wins.

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