Should I Play Android: Netrunner?
Players: 2 – 2 players | Game Duration 45 – 45 mins |
Min. Age 14+ | Game complexity: MEDIUM Genre: Bluffing, Card Games, Collectible Components, Science
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No
Hate Rulebooks? Check out our condensed How to Play Android: Netrunner Rules Guide
What is Android: Netrunner about?
Taking place in a dystopian future, Android: Netrunner is a card game for two players. One player controls a Runner, a rogue hacker armed with cutting-edge gear and software, while the other controls an evil corporation. Android: Netrunner involves players taking turns, starting with the Corporation.
Each turn, the Corporation has three clicks. Clicks can be spent gaining credits, drawing cards, installing cards, and advancing agendas. Corporation efforts must be carefully divided between defensive and offensive actions, such as protecting servers from Runners or tracking them.
Runners have four clicks per turn. The Runner can also spend his clicks to gain credits, draw cards, install cards, and make runs.
A Runner hacks into the Corporation’s servers during a run to interfere with the Corporation and steal their agendas. An effective Runner strategy involves selecting when and where to run, as well as where and when not to run.
Android Netrunner Resources:
Condensed How to Play Android: Netrunner Rules Guide for rulebook haters
Android: Netrunner Videos