Should I Play Mansions of Madness Beyond the Threshold?

Is Mansions of Madness Beyond the Threshold fun to play?
Mansions of Madness Beyond the Threshold

Players: 1 – 5 players | Game Duration 120 – 180 mins |
Min. Age 14+ | Game complexity: MEDIUM Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Fighting, Horror
Solo game mode: Yes | Co-op: Yes |
Online Version: No

What is Mansions of Madness Beyond the Threshold about?

Your dreams have been haunted by the terrifying creatures of the Vanderbilt mansion for weeks now. Mansions of Madness Second Edition’s first expansion, Beyond the Threshold, brings even more horror!

A variety of additional components and two new investigators will enhance the possibilities of your journey through every unsettling scenario.

New locations, characters, and cards combine in two new scenarios, throwing you into the dim unknown.

Introducing The Gates of Silverwood Manor, one of two new scenarios in the expansion, is a challenging investigation into disappearances linked to Silverwood Manor. As you return to explored areas, you may discover unfamiliar spaces based on the observations you made upon arrival.

Similarly, in Vengeful Impulses, the second scenario, you may experience an inconsistency of reality, though as darkness envelops you, you may question the motives of your fellow dinner guests.

Weak minds and spirits tend to fall to dark forces, but none quite like the possessed Thralls introduced in this expansion. Physically, the forces controlling their minds have disfigured them almost beyond recognition.

Find out about Mansions of Madness Beyond the Threshold How to play Mansions of Madness Beyond the Threshold Where to buy Mansions of Madness Beyond the Threshold


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