Learn How to Play Googly Eyes Quickly
Check out the essential How to play Googly Eyes rules in simple steps.
What’s the goal of Googly Eyes Rules?
Become the first to complete the game board successfully. Each player draws a challenge for their team to guess. Get it right and move forward. Wrong and you stay. In order to draw, you must wear wacky glasses that alter your vision.
Googly Eyes Game Setup
Place the gameboard in the middle with glasses and extra lenses next to it
Shuffle the cards and place them face down on the board
Sit with your team members
Choose a playing pawn for your team and place on the Start space
Playing the Googly Eyes Game
The team with the youngest player starts and the timer is handed to one of the other teams. The playing team selects a player who will draw first.
The team rolls the die, and moves their pawn the number of spaces shown. The color of the space that team lands on determines the challenge to draw and which lenses to use in the glasses.
For example, if you land on a green space, you put the green lenses into the glasses and your challenge would be the one marked by the green dot on the card.
Special Board Spaces
There are also special spaces on the board.

Choose to use the lens and matching challenge color.

Draw with the opposite hand (left for right-handed and right hand for left-handed).

Draw without wearing glasses.

Skip your turn.
The Challenge

From the top of the pile, the player draws a card and announces its category (object. entertainment, or places). Reads challenge silently. and announces the time limit.
The drawing player puts on the glasses and places the card face down so their team cannot see the challenge.

The team holding the timer sets the time limit and the game starts!
The drawing player tries to get their teammates to say the challenge word before time runs out!
No speaking or miming or drawing letters or numbers.
Team guesses the word correctly
If your team guesses correctly twithin the time limit, roll the dice and move forward the number of spaces. The turn ends. If you land on a special space then the rules for the space apply at the start of your next turn.
For example. If you land on skip a turn space, then you skip your next turn.
Team does not guess the word
The turn is over.
How to win the Googly Eyes game?
Teams take turns and make their way along the game board. The first team to reach the Finish wins. You do not need to roll the exact number of spaces to reach the Finish
How to play Googly Eyes Rules in Quick Simple Steps
How to play Googly Eyes. Be the first to complete the game board. Each player gets a challenge, wears wacky glasses that alter their vision and draws it for their team to guess. Move forward when you get it correct.
Total Time: 40 minutes
Starting team rolls the die
The team rolls the die and moves their pawn forward the number of spaces shown. The space’s color that team lands on determines the challenge to draw and which lenses to use in the glasses.
Drawing the challenge card
The player draws the top pile card and announces its category (object. entertainment, or places). He or she reads the challenge silently and announces the time limit. They put on the glasses and place the card face down so that their team cannot see the challenge.
Team starts drawing
The team with the timer sets the time limit and the game starts! The drawing player gets their teammates to say the challenge word within the limit.
Guess outcomes
If the team guesses correctly within the time limit, roll the dice and move forward the number of spaces and end the turn. If you land on a special space then the space rules apply in the next turn. If the team guesses incorrectly, the turn ends.
Winning Googly Eyes
First team to reach the Finish wins. Teams do not need to roll the exact number of spaces to reach the Finish space.