How to Play

Frequently Asked Questions

Game of Trouble

  • Do you go again if you roll a 6 in Trouble?

    Yes. When you roll a 6, you can move a peg out of home to START or move your peg on the gameboard. You get to roll again. 

Farkle Dice Game

  • How do you win at Farkle?

    Be the first player to score 10000 points from dice roll combinations.

    Farkle is a dice game players take turns rolling dice to score points in the game.  Players total up their scores and aim to reach a winning total. 

  • How do you set up Farkle Dice Game?

    You just need 6 dice and something to keep score. 

  • What is the object of the game Farkle?

    Farkle is a dice game where players take turns rolling dice to score points based on dice combinations.  Players total up their scores and aim to reach a winning total. 

Mexican Train

  • Can you play on someone else’s train if you haven’t started yours?

    Yes you can play on someone else’s train as long as it has a marker on it. 

  • How many dominoes do you start with in Mexican Train?

    15 for 2 to 4 players, 12 for 5 to 6 players and 10 for 7 to 8 players.