How to Play Left Center Right (LCR) Rules
Fast to learn easy to read how to play LCR Left Center Right rules. Our goal is to get you started on your game quick.
Players: 3 to 12 | Game duration from: 20 mins | Game Complexity: EASY How to play LCR rules in simple steps
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What is the goal?
Left Center Right is a luck-based dice game that involves dice rolls and the passing of poker chips between players. Players take turns to roll the dice. The dice roll outcome determines who they pass their chips to. The person who is the only one with the remaining chips wins.
Game setup
- Each player gets 3 chips
- Players sit in a circle or around a table
- Center of the circle is the ‘pot’ where players will place their chips during the game
- Select a starting player
How to Play LCR Gameplay in Simple Steps
Players take turns in clockwise order until the game ends.
On your turn, roll the dice
Roll the number of dice based on the chips you have.
3 or more – Roll 3
2 Chips – Roll 2
1 Chip – Roll 1
Rolled Dice Outcomes
1, 2, 3 on a die represent dots
4 represents L
5 represents C
6 represents R
Actions after rolling Dice
Action on L (4)
Give 1 chip to left player
Action on C (5)
Give 1 chip to pot in the center
Action on 1, 2, 3 (dots)
Nothing happens
Action on R (6)
Give 1 chip to right player
End turn, pass dice to next player.
Good explanation of the left-right centre dice game; keep It!