Guide on Maracaibo Board Game Rules
Check out our easy to read guide on the Maracaibo Board Game Rules. We cover the objective, gameplay and essential rules to get your game started.
No more waiting for turns to read the rulebook. All players can find out how to play Marcaibo by visiting this page.
Find out about Maracaibo
Players: 1 to 4 | Game duration from: 30 mins | Game Complexity: EASY Maracaibo rules pdf / rulebook [amazon box=”B07SMB53ZD”]
What is the goal?
Maracaibo board game:
- 1 – 4 player game
- requires 60 – 150 mins playing time
- recommended for ages 12+
It is the 17th Century. You are a seafarer and adventurer who is trying to increase your reputation among European nations in the Caribbean. These nations are vying for supremacy in the region. You seek to improve your network with these nations to gain fortune and fame.
Your ship starts in Havana and you will play 4 rounds travelling the map and performing actions. to:
- gain an advantage by playing out cards,
- sending your crew to help at particular locations,
- fighting under a nation\’s ßag,
- delivering goods,
- upgrading your ship,
- completing quests, or
- exploring land
As soon as a player has circumnavigated the Caribbean once, interim scores are calculated and money and victory points are distributed Then, everything begins from Havana again.
The story slowly develops during the game and this might alter the game board, or give you new options.
At the end of the game, the player who has used the right cards and tactics to earn the most victory points is the winner.
Game setup
The Game Board
- Place the Carribean game board map in the centre.
- Shuffle and place the combat tokens in two face-down piles in the area shown.
- Shuffle and place the quest tiles in a face-up pile in the area shown. Ensure they are orientated correctly, i.e. with the lighter-coloured planks at the top. Take and place three quest tiles onto the three spaces on the explorer track at the bottom of the board.
- Take and place the four story tiles in ascending numerical order, next to the quest tile pile, so that the tile with the 1 is visible
- In a 2-player game only, cover Maracaibo city with the Maracaibo city tile. In a 3- or 4-player game, return the Maracaibo city tile to the box -you won’t need it. Then, look for the remaining city tiles that have numbers matching your player count, and return the rest to the box. Take the two city tiles marked with a
and randomly choose two more. Shuffle and randomly place the four tiles onto indicated spaces in the following locations:- Puerto Plata (No. 4),
- Santo Domingo (Nort Royal (No. 13), and
- Cartagena (No. 14).
- Separate the project cards into A-cards (recognisable by this rope
and B-cards (recognizable by tl1is rope: )
Starting from your second game, there may be C-cards in the game (recognizable by this rope: - lf you wish to continue the campaign, shuffle these C-cards with the A-cards, otherwise sort them out and place them beneath the story card pile.
Shuffle the piles of A-cards and B-cards separately. Then, deal each player 8 cards from the A-card. pile.
Count out 40 cards from the B-card pile and shuffle these with the remaining A-cards.
Return the rest of the B-cards to the box – they won’t be used this game.
Place the shuffled pile face-down next to the game board.
Reveal the top 4 cards and place next to the pile. - Place the doubloons next to the ga1ne board as a general supply. The certificates are worth 10 doubloons. Place the legacy tiles face-down next to the game board.
- Shuffle the prestige buildings and place four of them along the top of the game board- a face-up card on the I space, and three face-down cards on spaces II to IV. Return the remaining prestige buildings, unseen, to the box – they won’t be used this game
- Place the ownership markers onto the like-coloured spaces to the left of the influence track (France= blue, England= white, Spain= red). Place a single marker on the left-most space, and two on the remaining spaces.
In a 2-player game only, immediately place a red ownership marker onto the village at No. 6 (San Juan), a white ownership marker onto the village at No. 7 (St. Ki.tts), and a blue ownership marker
onto the village at No. 8 (Martinique). When adding ownership
markers to the board, always take the left-most available marker

Player Setup
10. Each player gets and places a ship board in front of them.
11. Place 2 discs onto each of the indicated circular spaces on yourr ship board. Yott will place a total of 24 discs.
12. Give each player all of the wooden components in their chosen player color. Each player then places:
12a their victory point marker onto space O of the game board\’s victory point track,
12b their ship onto the game board\’s Havana space,
12c their explorer onto the start space of the game board\’s explorer track,
12d one of their influence markers onto space of each nation\’s influence track,
12e one of their markers onto space 1 of their ship board\’s combat track.
12f one of their markers onto space 8 of the doubloon inco1ne track, and the last of their markers onto space O of the victory point income track.
13 Additionally, each player gets:
– two figures of their color
– two career cards
– one overview card
14. Select a starting player. Give that player 8 doubloons. Give the next player in clockwise direction 9 doubloons. Give the third player 10 doubloons, and the fourth player, 11 doubloons.

Maracaibo is played over four rounds:
- Each round represents a decade of your career.
- The round ends as soon as one player\’s ship reaches the last game board\’s space.
- Interim scoring takes place and after the fourth round, the game is over and the final scoring is conducted
On your turn, you perform the following steps in order:
- Phase A) Sailing – Move your ship forward from 1 to 7 locations.
- Phase B) Main Action
Perform a main action at the location your ship is at, along with as many free actions as you like. - Phase C) Draw Cards
Draw cards back up to your hand limit. As soon as you have completed Phase C, your turn is over and it is the turn of the next clockwise player