3 min read

How to play Rhino Hero if you hate rulebooks

I hate rulebooks! This condensed How to Play Rhino Hero rules help players get the essential instructions without having to trawl rulebooks.

Game Overview

In Rhino Hero, players work together to build a house of cards for Rhino Hero. The house consists of walls and ceilings, with each ceiling acting as a roof for the next floor. Players don’t know how tall the house will get. The marks on each roof card determine how walls should be placed for the next floor, and the symbols on the roof cards introduce special building conditions that can change the game. The goal is to be the first to place all of your roof cards.

Game Setup


  • Place the foundation card face-up in the center of the table.
  • There are two sides to the foundation: one for easier gameplay and one for more experienced players.

Distributing Roof Cards:

  • Shuffle the roof cards.
  • Deal five roof cards to each player (seven if there are only two players).
  • Place the remaining roof cards in a provision pile away from the foundation.

Gather Materials:

  • Ensure the walls and Rhino Hero figure are ready to use.

Walls Markings:

  • The foundation and roof cards have marks that indicate how and where walls must be placed for the next floor.


Turn Order:

  • Play moves clockwise.
  • The player who did a good deed most recently starts. If players can’t agree, the youngest player starts.

Building the Floor:

  • Before placing a roof card, you must build the next floor using one or two walls.
  • Look at the marks on the foundation or the last roof card placed to determine the number and position of the walls.
  • Take the required walls and bend them to the necessary angle.
  • Place them as indicated by the marks, and then place one of your roof cards on top.

Special Roof Symbols:

  • Change of Direction: Play continues in the opposite direction. (Not relevant if only two players.)
  • Take a Breather: The next player skips their turn. (If only two players, it becomes your turn again.)
  • Additional Card: The next player must draw a new roof card from the provision pile before building.
  • Double Roof: Allows you to place a second roof card on top of the first. However, a second double roof card cannot be placed on another double roof card. If you don’t have a regular roof card, you must ask your left neighbor for one, helping them reduce their cards.

Rhino Hero Movement:

  • If a player plays a Rhino Hero symbol, the next player must move Rhino Hero from his current position to the new Rhino Hero mark before placing a roof card.

Important Tower Building Rules:

  • You may use both hands for stacking.
  • Only touch the wall or roof card you are placing.
  • Position the walls exactly on the marks.
  • The roof card must be positioned exactly like the foundation.

Winning the Game

All Roof Cards Placed:

  • If a player places their last roof card, they win the game and are declared the “super house building hero.”

Building Collapse:

  • If the tower collapses, the player who caused the collapse loses.
  • The player with the fewest remaining roof cards wins.
  • In the case of a tie, the player with the most special symbols on their remaining roof cards wins.
  • If there is still a tie, those players win together.

All Walls Used:

  • In the rare case where all the walls are used, all players win together as “super stacking heroes.”
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