How to Play Uno Remix Rules 

The aim of the How to Play Uno Remix guide is to help you get started quickly. Key official Uno Remix rules and instructions are summarised to help you rapidly learn in simple steps.

If you are interested in other Uno editions, can you read about them here.

Players: 2 to 10 | Game duration from: 30 mins | Game Complexity: EASY How to play UNO Remix rules in simple steps UNO Remix rules pdf / rulebook

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In Uno Remix, your first round of games guides you to create your own customized UNO deck for future games. 


  • Game Cards
  • Remix Cards
  • Remix Card Box
  • Stickers
  • Scoresheet

Uno Remix Game Content


Uno Remix Game setup

Take the wrap off the Game and Remix Cards

DO NOT SHUFFLE REMIX Cards and put the UNSHUFFLED deck into the card box.

Write each player’s name on the scoresheet

Uno Remix scoresheet

Keep the sticker sheet handy  after each round to track the game’s winner.

How to Play Uno Remix Gameplay in Simple Steps

Uno Remix plays like Uno but with some additional twists. Just like Uno, players aim to discard all cards. 

Before your First Round, customise your selected Remix Card

  1. Count the number of players.
  2. Take the same number of cards from the Remix Card deck front and place FACE-UP playing area center.
  3. Youngest players starts and they choose one of the Remix Cards
  4. After that, each player in clockwise order chooses a card.
  5. Once everyone has chosen, everyone writes on their card according to the type of card it is (see action cards)
  6. Gather everyone’s customised Remix Card and ADD them to the Game Card deck.

Choose a dealer

  1. Choose a dealer and shuffle the Game Card deck and then deal out seven cards to each player.
  2. The player to the dealer’s left starts first.
  3. The remaining cards form a facedown DRAW pile.

Form discard pile

Pick the top card from Draw Pile to place face-up to start the discard pile. If the top card is a Wild or Wild Draw 4, return it to the deck and pick another card. For all other cards, see directions that follow.

Round Gameplay

Play matching cards during your turn

  • Play a card from your hand by matching the DISCARD pile’s top card with either of the following: number, colour or card type 
  • If you can’t play a card, draw 1 card from the draw pile.
  • If you can play the drawn card, play it.
See the function of each card below.  

Call out Uno when playing second last card

When playing 2nd last card, call out ‘Uno’!
Draw 2 cards If caught not saying “UNO”. 
You can be caught by any player as long as they catch you before the next player draws a card from the draw pile.

Winner of the Round marks scoresheet with sticker

The first to play/discard all their cards is the winner of the round.
The winner takes the Sticker Sheet, removes the LOWEST NUMBERED sticker and then places it on the scoresheet next to their name.

Uno Remix scoresheet

Before every round

  • To begin the next round… do the same as the first round
  • Take as many cards as there are players from the front of the unshuffled remix cards box and place them FACE-UP in the middle
  • The winner of the last round chooses first, then the others choose in clockwise order
  •  Customize cards and add them to the deck. The winner of the last game is the dealer who shuffles the deck and deals seven cards to each player

How do you win?

The Final Round

Continue playing round after round and using the stickers to track your progress until there are only enough NEVER SHUFFLED Remix Cards in the box for one more round.

If there aren’t as many cards left in the box as there are players for the final round, use as many as you can.

The winner of the last round chooses first, then each player in clockwise order until there are no more cards.

Winner of the final round places the sticker on their scoresheet.

Who is the champion?

Count the number of stickers each player has by their name (how many games they’ve won).

Whoever has the GREATEST number of stickers is the Champion!

If there is a tie for the greatest number of stickers, the player with the HIGHEST number on their fi nal sticker is the Champion.

Whoever has the FEWEST number of stickers is the Jester! They place the Jester Hat sticker next to their name. If there is a tie for the fewest number of stickers, the player with the LOWEST number on their final sticker is the Jester.

Both the Champion and the Jester get the privilege of one last change to the cards. They can each fi nd ANY card in the deck and cross out a name on that card.


This is now your unique UNO deck which you can use for future games.

Function of Uno Action Cards

Uno Remix 1


Can be played on matching color or symbol. The direction of play reverses (if play is currently to the left, then it changes to the right, and vice versa).

Uno Remix 2


Can be played on matching color or symbol. Skips the next player in turn order

Uno Remix 3

Wild Card

You may play it at any time and choose the color that  continues play.

Uno Plus card


Can be played on matching color or symbol. The next player must draw as many cards as tally marks shown on this card and their turn is skipped.

Function of Uno Remix Action Cards

Uno Remix Wild + Name Card


Can be played at any time. The person listed on the card chooses the new color

Uno Remix Skip To Card

Skip – To Card

Can be played on matching color or symbol. Play skips directly to the player listed on the card.

Uno Remix - The Giving Card

The Giving Card

When drawn, this card is immediately given to the player whose name is on the card. This cannot be blocked by a shield. Can be played on matching color or symbol. 

Uno Remix Add a mark Card

Add a Mark Card

Find any Plus Card in the game deck of cards, add 1 additional tally mark to it, and then shuffle it back into the deck. Discard the Add a Mark Card.

Uno Remix Shield + Name Card

Shield + Name Card

Can be played on a matching color or symbol, OR you may use it to block a penalty card (Plus, Draw 2, Wild Draw 4).

If the Shield card does NOT have your name on it, you may only block a penalty card of the same color.

For example, if a YELLOW DRAW 2 is played on you, you may block it ONLY with a YELLOW SHIELD CARD. If the Shield card does have your name on it, you may block a penalty card of ANY color. For example, a GREEN DRAW 2 is played on Jeff. Jeff then plays a YELLOW “JEFF” SHIELD CARD to block it.

NOTE: in order to use a Shield Card WITHOUT your name on it to block a Wild Draw 4 card, the player who played the card must fi rst call out the color that will continue play.  After that, if you have a Shield Card of that color you may use it to block the Wild Draw 4. After that, play continues in current order from the player who played the Wild Draw Four initially.


Uno Remix Draw 2 + Name card


Can be played on a matching color or on another Draw 2 card.
When played, if there is ONE name on the card, that player must draw two cards.

If there are TWO names on the card, the player who laid down the Draw 2 card gets to choose which of the two names must draw two cards.

If the player who draws two cards is NOT the next player in order, play STILL resumes with the next player in the current order (after the player who fi first laid down the Draw 2 card).

Uno Remix Wild Draw 4


Can be played on any card as long as you do not have another card that matches the COLOR. If you do, you might be challenged!

See below.
When played, if there is ONE name on the card, that player must draw four cards.
If there are TWO names on the card, that player who laid down the Draw 4 card gets to choose which of the two names must draw four cards.

Since it is wild, you may play a Wild Draw 4 card on any other card.

If the player who draws four cards is NOT the next player in order, play STILL resumes with the next player in current order (after the player who fi rst laid down the Wild Draw 4 card).

NOTE: If you suspect that a Wild Draw 4 card has been played on you illegally (i.e. the player has a matching color card), then you may challenge that player. The challenged player must show you (the challenger) their hand. If guilty, the challenged player must draw the 4 cards instead of you. However, if the challenged player is innocent, you must draw the 4 cards PLUS an additional 2 cards (6 total)! 

Uno Remix Add a name to Draw 2 or Draw 4 card


When this card is played, find any Draw 2 or Draw 4 respectively in the play deck and add a second name then shuffle it back into the play deck. 

Now destroy the “Add a Name to Draw 2/ Draw 4” card.

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