Should I Play Hive?

Is Hive fun to play?

Players: 2 – 2 players | Game Duration 20 – 20 mins |
Min. Age 9+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Abstract Strategy, Animals
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: Yes

What is Hive about?

An endlessly playable game with a drawstring bag from Mr Dice. Soldier ants battle for control of the outside of the hive, while beetles dominate the top.

Grass Hoppers jump in for the kill as spiders move into holding positions. One eye on the hive, one on the reserves of your opponents, tension builds as one wrong move will see your Queen Bee quickly engulfed … game over!

As soon as the first piece is placed, the game begins. A pattern is formed as the pieces are placed, which becomes the playing surface (the pieces themselves become the board). There is no elimination of pieces in this game, and it does not require that all pieces are played.

It is an excellent two-player game that is little known. Similar to chess, but much more fun. Easy concept but lots of strategy.

Find out about Hive


Official Hive Rulebook

Where to play Hive online?

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