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How to Play Blokus

Fast to learn, easy to read and understand how to play Blokus rules.

Players: 2 to 4 | Game duration from: 15 mins | Game Complexity: EASY How to play Blokus rules in simple steps Blokus rules pdf / rulebook

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What is the object of Blokus?

Blokus is a 2-4 player game which requires players to strategically fit as many of their tetris-like tiles on a shared board as they can. This board however, does not have enough space for everyone and players are not allowed to place a piece that lies adjacent to their other pieces. The pieces must be placed touching at least one corner of the pieces already placed on the board.

How to Play Blokus Step by Step

Step by Step How to Play Blokus Game Rules. Each player takes 21 pieces in their chosen color. Choose a player to go first, and play proceeds clockwise. Decide on whether to play the basic or advanced scoring game.

Total Time: 20 minutes

Placing your first Blokus piece

How to play Blokus - Starting Pieces

Each player’s first piece must cover a corner square

Take turns laying down pieces

How to play Blokus - placing pieces

Players take turns laying down one piece at a time.
Every new piece must touch at least one same-colored piece, but only at the corners. Pieces of the same color cannot touch along the sides

Piece laying rules to note

how to play blokus rules

Different colored pieces may contact each other without restriction.
A piece cannot be moved once it is on the board.
If a player is unable to place a piece on the board, that player must pass.

End of game and scoring

If neither player can place any more pieces, the game ends. Players score their game.

Basic Blokus Scoring

Players count the squares in their remaining pieces. Whoever has the fewest squares wins!

Advanced Blokus Scoring

Blokus Example Scoring

Each player counts the number of squares in their remaining pieces:
1 square = minus1 point.
A player earns +15 points if all of their pieces have been placed on the board plus 5 additional bonus points if the last piece they placed on the board was the smallest piece (one square).
Whoever has the highest score wins.

Materials: Game board 84 pieces in four colors (21 pieces per color – red, blue, yellow, green)

Game Variations

How to play Blokus with 2 Players?

One player controls blue and red, and the other controls yellow and green. Player order is blue, yellow, red, green.
At the game’s end, scores are calculated by counting the squares in both colours controlled by each player.

How to play Blokus with 3 Players?

Each player chooses a colour
Player order is blue, yellow, red, green.
Remaining colour is shared and played alternately by each player.
Final scores calculated in the same way as the standard game rules with the score of the shared colour being disregarded.

How to Play Blokus and Review Videos

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