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How to play Chinese Checkers

How to play Chinese Checkers game rules in quick simple steps. Get your game started quickly.

Players: 2 to 6 | Game duration from: 30 mins | Game Complexity: EASY How to play Chinese Checkers rules in simple steps [amazon box=”B01NCDUIGS”]

What is the goal of Chinese Checkers?

Move all your marbles to the opposite side. The first player to do so is the winner.

Setting Up Chinese Checkers

  • Fill a corner of the triangle with ten of your chosen coloured marbles.
  • For 2,4 and 6 player games, an opponents set of marbles should be faced opposite of you
  • For a 3 player game, the opposite corner should be left open.

How to Play Chinese Checkers Game Rules in Simple Steps

How to Play Chinese Checkers Game Rules. Select a player to start first (toss a coin or the youngest player starts). Players take turns moving one peg each. A peg may either move into an adjacent hole or hop over one or more other pegs in one turn.

Total Time: 30 minutes

Playing Chinese Checkers

The youngest player goes first and players take turns moving one marble per turn.
Similar to checkers, marbles move in two ways, hops and jumps.


Hop Chinese Checkers

Every hop must be over an adjacent peg and into a vacant hole directly beyond it. Each hop can be made over a coloured peg, including the player’s own, and can go in any direction. Upon hopping over one peg, the player can either finish or continue hopping over another peg if desired.


how to play chinese checkers jump

A jump involves moving over an adjacent marble (either yours or an opponent’s) to the next space if it is open. Multiple jumps can be made on the same turn.

Winning Chinese Checkers

The winner is the first player to fill up all their marbles in the opponent’s corner.

Chinese Checkers Rules FAQs

Can you jump backwards in Chinese Checkers?

You can move in any direction in Chinese Checkers. You can hop and jump in any direction.

How do pieces move in Chinese Checkers?

Pieces move by either hopping or jumping. Every hop must be over an adjacent peg and into a vacant hole directly beyond it. A jump involves moving over an adjacent marble (either yours or an opponent’s) to the next space if it is open.

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