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How to Play Root Board Game – Woodland Alliance Rules and Actions

This How to Play Root Board Game section outlines the rules, gameplay and game actions involving the faction Woodland Alliance.

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Overview of Woodland Alliance Faction

Gain Sympathy
Woodland Alliance goal is to gain sympathy of various creatures of Woodland who are dissatisfied with present conditions Each time you place a sympathy token, you SCORE VICTORY POINTS. The more SYMPATHY on the map, the more points scored.
Supporters and rebellions
To gain SYMPATHY, you require SUPPORTERs. Supporters incite rebellions in the forest. When there is a rebellion, the alliance will establish a base.
Base allows Alliance to train officers, and increase military power.

Woodland Alliance Abilities


  • Crafts during Daylight by activating Sympathy tokens.

Guerrilla War

  • Battle abilities:
    • Defender (Alliance) deals hits equal to higher roll.
    • Attacker deals hits equal to lower roll.

Supporters Stack

  • Alliance spends SUPPORTERS (cards on supporters stack) to take action.
  • SUPPORTERS can only be spent for their suit, not part of Alliance’s hand size.
  • Supporters are face down but can be inspected by the Alliance player anytime.
  • Supporters stack limit depends on bases:
    • No bases: Up to 5 cards.
    • With bases: Unlimited cards.
  • If a supporter is gained but exceeds the limit, the card is discarded.

Removing Bases

  • When a base is removed:
    • Discard all supporters of matching suit (including birds).
    • Remove half of the officers (rounded up).
    • If no bases and more than 5 cards in supporters stack, discard down to 5.


  • Alliance has 10 Sympathy tokens.
  • A clearing can hold only 1 sympathy token (Sympathetic clearing).


  • When another player removes a sympathy token or moves warriors into a Sympathetic clearing:
    • They must add 1 card matching the affected clearing from their hand to the supporters stack.
    • If no matching cards, show their hand to the Alliance.
    • Alliance draws a card from the deck and adds it to the supporters stack.

Woodland Alliance Gameplay

Woodland Alliance Gameplay


  • You may Revolt or Spread Sympathy any number of times.


  • Choose a sympathetic clearing matching a base on your faction board.
  • Spend 2 supporters matching the clearing’s suit.
  • Remove all enemy pieces from the clearing.
  • Place the matching base.
  • Place warriors equal to the number of sympathetic clearings matching the base’s suit.
  • Place one warrior in the Officers box.
  • Score 1 victory point per token and building removed.

Spread Sympathy

  • Choose an unsympathetic clearing adjacent to a sympathetic clearing (or any clearing if none are sympathetic).
  • Spend supporters matching the clearing’s suit.
    • Cost listed above the sympathy token.
    • Spend an extra supporter if the target clearing has 3+ other player’s warriors (including Mercenaries, hirelings, etc.).
  • Place a sympathy token in the chosen clearing.
  • Score the victory points on the space uncovered on your faction board.


  • Take the following actions in any order and number:
    • Craft: Activate Sympathy tokens to craft a card from hand.
    • Mobilize: Add a card from hand to the supporters deck.
    • Train: Spend a card matching a built base to place a warrior in the Officers box. Warrior becomes an officer.


  • Military Operations:
    • Take the following actions up to your number of officers:
      • Move: Take 1 move.
      • Battle: Initiate a battle.
      • Recruit: Place a warrior in any clearing with a base.
      • Organize: Remove one Alliance warrior from an unsympathetic clearing, place a sympathy token, score the victory points listed on the uncovered space on your faction board.
  • Draw and Discard:
    • Draw 1 card plus any uncovered draw bonus.
    • If you have more than 5 cards, discard down to 5.
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