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Easy How to Play Rules for Uno Stack

I hate reading rules so this is my attempt to make How to Play Uno Stacko rules easy and help you get started quick.
If you are seeking a quick overview of what Uno Stacko is about and its appeal, find out more here.

Players: 2 to 10 | Game duration from: 20 mins | Game Complexity: EASY
If you prefer to read through the official rulebook, find the UNO Stacko rules pdf / rulebook here

What is the goal?

  • Don’t make the tower fall
  • Pull blocks that match the colour or number of the last one pulled and re-stack on the top or pull an Action Block and make the next player follow that Action!

Game setup

  • Choose a player to go first. The first player builds the tower.
  • Randomly stack layers of 3 blocks at right angles to the layer below them.
  • Use the loading tray to straighten the tower.
  • Once the round starts, play passes to the left.


  • The first player chooses a block and pulls it from the tower.
  • A block can only be pulled from below the highest completed level.
  • Put the pulled block on top of the tower at a right angle to the level below. A 3-block level must be completed before starting another one at the top.
  • The player’s turn is over as soon as the block is released.

It’s the next player’s turn to pull the next block who must pull a block of matching colour or number to the previous pulled block.

If a number block was pulled by the previous player, the next player must pull a block of either the same number or colour as the pulled block.
If an Action block was pulled, the next player must follow the Actions of that block (see below).

Additional Rules

  • When pulling a block, only one hand can be used.
  • Player may touch (with one hand) any block to find a loose one, but block must be restored to its original position before touching another
  • The tower may be straightened out if necessary as long as one hand is used

Shouting Uno

If a player uses 2 hands to pull a block or straighten the tower, any other player can shout “Uno” to catch that player. The caught player will have to draw 2 blocks a colour chosen by the player shouting “Uno”

Action Blocks

Draw Two

Draw 2 Uno Stacko Block

If Draw Two block is pulled, the next player draws and stack 2 blocks of the same colour as the Draw Two block.

Note: A player may not draw an Action block when drawing their 2 blocks.

Reverse block

Reverse Uno Stacko Block

When the Reverse block is pulled, the direction of play changes to the opposite direction until another Reverse is pulled. The next player must pull a block that matches the colour of the pulled reverse block (or a Wild block)

Skip block

Skip Uno Stacko Block

When the Reverse block is pulled, the direction of play changes to the opposite direction until another Reverse is pulled. The next player must pull a block that matches the colour of the pulled reverse block (or a Wild block)

Wild block

Wild Uno Stacko Block

Player who pulls the WILD chooses a colour and announces it. The next player has to pull a block that matches the colour.
A WILD block can be pulled in place of any block, at any time (except after a DRAW TWO has been pulled)

2 player Rules for Uno Stacko

When a reverse or skip block is pulled, play as if a Draw Two block is pulled.

The next player must pull 2 blocks that match the colour of the Reverse or Skip.

How to win?

The player who causes the tower to fall loses and the winner is the player who pulled and replaced the last block.

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