Should I Play Zombicide: 2nd Edition?

Players: 1 – 6 players | Game Duration 60 – 60 mins |
Min. Age 14+ | Game complexity: Genre: Horror, Miniatures, Zombies
Solo game mode: Yes | Co-op: Yes |
Online Version: No
What is Zombicide: 2nd Edition about?
We are in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. Survivors are few and far between. They can’t hide away if they want to survive.
Zombicide will be required of them. In Zombicide, players control Survivors of zombie hordes. In order to survive, they must work together, accomplishing objectives in each mission. With each zombie kill,survivors grow stronger, but the zombies come in greater numbers.
The zombies are back! The game that started it all returns with its 2nd Edition, an updated, streamlined, and new-and-improved version of Zombicide Season 1.
MECHANICS ARE NEW! The rules have been updated, preserving all the classic elements of the classic zombie game, while adding elements from the series’ years of experience.
NEW SURVIVORS! There are 12 Survivors you and your friends can choose from, each with their own set of skills they can learn as they gain Adrenaline Points.
NEW COMPONENTS! Several components have been updated, from tiles that can be set up more quickly to plastic dashboards that keep everything organized.
Zombicide: 2nd Edition Videos
Awards Won by Zombicide: 2nd Edition
2021 Geek Media Awards Best Production Nominee